"If we want our children to become kind.... we need to keep the conversation going about the global south."
Annette McGroary has volunteered with SERVE numerous times, was our long term volunteer in Mozambique and took part in Think Global Act Local 2021 programme. Annette writes about the value of teaching solidarity to her very young baby.
As a new Mum a whole new world of nappies, weaning, sippy cups and tummy time has revealed itself to me. Ethical consumption naturally comes into play with many of the decisions of caring for a baby-cloth nappies or plastic, breast or bottle, make your own food or buy baby food, buy new clothes or purchase in a charity shop, veganism or meat eater.
In a perfect world we would all make the right choice on all of these issues all the time thus doing our small part to tackle global inequalities and injustice. However the reality and practicality of these choices is not as simple as it seems when getting to grips with the role of being a Mum.
I think it’s about balance and being mindful of our choices. I most certainly haven’t made all of the most ethical choices in the list above. However as parents we are the prime educator of our children and we have a responsibility to teach them about injustice in our world.
We are part of a global community and our everyday decisions have a huge knock on effect on the rest of the world.
I am fortunate to have witnessed first-hand how SERVE tackles poverty through solidarity, service and partnership with oppressed communities.
I look forward to sharing my stories, pictures and experiences with my son Séamus in years to come to help him gain an understanding of justice and equality. It’s not just about helping poor people through donations. Rather we are part of a global community and our everyday decisions have a huge knock on effect on the rest of the world.
Ultimately if we want our children to become kind, caring and socially conscious global citizens we need to keep the conversation going about the global south.
Make Mother’s Day special with a purchase of a caring gift of education for a young person in Mozambique.