To mark ‘World Day of Social Justice’ 2021, SERVE Volunteer Coordinator, Fiachra Brennan collaborated with the OLA Sisters Irish Province Justice Officer, John McGeady to bring you a 3-part podcast series ‘Social Justice Matters’ to help people understand why social justice matters.
“We encourage you to remember that we’re a community and a community of nations” – wise words from John McGeady.
Fiachra Brennan also discusses practical ways to be social justice advocates at these times – one of them being – listen to what those struggling are saying – listen proactively.
Thank you to the team OLA Sisters for collaborating with us to spread the message of rights, responsibilities, and solidarity.

SERVE in Solidarity Ireland is a company limited by guarantee and not having a share capital.
SERVE’s Registered Charity Number (RCN): 20069094
Registered office in Cork is Scala, Castle Road, Blackrock, Cork and No:419696
Registered office in Clonard Gardens, Belfast, BT13 2RL and NI073601
Charity No: CHY 18154 (ROI) / XT16752 (NI)