Goodbye Robin!

This week, we are saddened to say goodbye to our wonderful multi-talented German volunteer, Robin Damaschke.

robin farewell group lunch photo

Robin arrived in Cork from Cologne and started his journey helping SERVE in September 2021. During the year with us, Robin’s work went from strength to strength. He arrived when Ireland was still faced with lockdown restrictions, and he took this in his stride. 

It didn’t take him long to slot into our team! He soon became our postman, photographer, video editor, admin guru, social media star and all-round person we could always rely on. 

He even drove our 4 Peaks German Team around the country and was present at all our community events.  Robin also volunteered time taking part in SERVE’s Think Global Act Local programme, fundraising events and took part in the Scala Youth Ministry Retreats too.  

We are going to miss him greatly and will be forever grateful for his commitment and friendship. Please join us in wishing Robin the very best in his next step in life in Berlin and all his future endeavours.  


We also want to say a huge thank you and best wishes to the Scala Youth Ministry team German Volunteer, Linus Mainzer. Linus helped Robin during our very busy periods and put his hands up to take part in our events such as Runamuck and the 4 Peaks Challenge. He was a delight to have in Scala & we will miss him very much too! 


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