“With exclusion and inequality on the rise, we must step up efforts to ensure that all people, without discrimination, are able to access opportunities to improve their lives and those of others”.
– Secretary General Ban- Ki -Moon
What is Social Justice?
Social Justice is justice in the terms of distribution of wealth, opportunities and privileges in society.
What is Social Justice?
Social Justice is justice in the terms of distribution of wealth, opportunities and privileges in society.
Why are you talking about it today?
We always talk about it because it's at the core of what we do at SERVE. We want to highlight it today even more because it's World Social Justice Day!
How does SERVE contribute to the fight for Social Justice?
Social Justice is at the root of what we do. We work in solidarity with partners in different countries to initiate change in their communities.
What about SERVE volunteers? Are they involved in fighting for Social Justice?
Yes. From the very moment they sign up to a programme or to do an internship with us, they begin to fight for Social Justice with the skills they have.
How do SERVE volunteers help?
SERVE volunteers in the past have used their volunteering experience to advocate for the Global Goals in their communities. Last year, SERVE volunteers used the Think Global Act Local progamme to become proactive global citizens and fight social justice.
How can I help?
You can use your skills to advocate, to increase awareness of injustices and you can fundraise to support SERVE.
So, if I volunteer at home or overseas, I am fighting for social justice!
YES! Absolutely!
Do you have a programme that I can join to fight social justice?
YES! Absolutely!
Apply to the Think Global Act Local 2022 Programme
TGAL Reflection from Constantin Becker
SERVE volunteer Constantin Becker reflecting on his time so far with SERVE’s Think Global Act Local programme.
Sinead’s Think Global Act Local Reflection
SERVE Programmes Intern Sinad Mulry reflecting on her time so far with SERVE’s Think Global Act Local programme.