A reflection on World Youth Skills Day (2024)

Alexiy Sologub (SERVE intern) writes a powerful essay that outlines the transformative journey of young people at Young Africa Zimbabwe

World Youth Skills Day SERVE Young Africa in Mt Darwin 2024
Students of Young Africa Zimbabwe from Mt Darwin. Photo Credit: Young Africa

In 2014, the United Nations General Assembly declared 15 July as World Youth Skills Day to celebrate the strategic importance of equipping young people with skills for employment, decent work, and entrepreneurship.

On World Youth Skills Day, let us unite in recognising the potential of young people as agents of peace and commit to providing them with the skills and opportunities to address challenges and contribute to a peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable future. 

Tucked away in rural Zimbabwe, Mount Darwin is experiencing a significant and inspiring change thanks to our partner, Young Africa (YA). They have been running a life-changing six-month training and placement programme.

The young people who’ve enrolled have gained firsthand experience, essential life, and entrepreneurial skills. The programme incorporates the help of Master Craftsmen (MCs), and the initiative is confirmed and recognised by local authorities. It is a crucial step towards sustainable youth empowerment and community development. 

Features of the YA Skills Training Programme  in Mt Darwin, Zimbabwe:

The Programme runs from mid-December to mid-June. It is tailored to be more than just a traditional vocational course.

From the beginning, it combines theoretical understanding with practical aspects of an internship, ensuring students get a well-rounded education. The training method blends in-class education and real-world experience.

A sizeable part of the training is conducted directly under the supervision of experienced MCs in a spectrum of trades, including welding, carpentry, and cosmetology. Along with ccomprehensive technical,  soft skills are also harnessed.

For example, in cosmetology, students gain advanced techniques in hairdressing, skincare, and make-up while also learning customer service skills and business management.

Carpentry apprentices learn about several types of wood, joinery techniques, and furniture design, alongside project management and financial planning.

This holistic practice creates skilled tradespeople who can run their businesses effectively. 

SERVE’s role in this programme:

With our partners, Young Africa we have created the ‘Skills for Youth Resilience Programme’. This project has been successful with support from Irish Aid’s Civil Society Fund, support from public donations to SERVE, other donor groups in Ireland, and Young Africa’s donor network.

Voices from the Ground:

There is a whole host of personal transformation stories from the programme’s participants. These personal accounts display the profound impact that the learned skills have on their lives and community. 

Belinda’s Journey 

Belinda is a single mother who joined the cosmetology course with hopes of creating a better future for herself and her child. Initially earning just $10 on weekends through her hairdressing job, she has since drastically increased her income after completing the course. She joined an ISAL (Internal Savings and Lending) group. Belinda is now saving money and planning to expand her business. Her story is a testament to how the programme fosters self-reliance and financial independence. 

Luwis’ Transformation 

Luwis is a carpentry student who developed an indomitable enterprising spirit through the programme. Starting with basic carpentry skills, he progressed to making and selling his own products, which allows him to save money to buy his own tools. His ambition to start his own business highlights the programme’s success in building entrepreneurial skills and confidence. 

Master Craftsman’s  (Lead Trainer) Perspective:

The welding Master Craftsman (MC) from Punice Investments has noted progress among students in their technical skills and problem-solving abilities.  

Support from Community and Local Authorities:

The programme’s impact extends far beyond the individual participants, garnering substantial support from local authorities and the community. Their feedback and involvement are crucial for the programme’s success and expansion. 

 Feedback from Local Authorities:

The District Development Coordinator highlighted the programme’s potential to transform the youth landscape in Northern Districts.

Expanding the programme to these areas would ensure inclusivity and provide more young people with opportunities to improve their lives.

This expansion is critical for spreading the benefits of the programme across a larger demographic. 


Reflections of the impact of this Programme: 

The programme in Mt Darwin is much more than a vocational training initiative; it is a beacon of hope and a catalyst for positive change.

By equipping young people with practical skills, life lessons, and entrepreneurial knowledge, the programme is fostering a new generation of skilled, confident, and empowered individuals.

As it continues to evolve, the lessons learned, and stories shared will undoubtedly pave the way for even greater successes in the future.  

In Mt Darwin, the seeds of change have been planted.

The young people will grow and thrive, so too will their communities.

The journey has only just begun, and with continued support and innovation, the future looks incredibly promising. 


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