Entries by Serve

Friendship Village: Vietnam

By Shauna Regan I don’t think a name could be anymore fitting for a place than The Friendship Village. Located on the outskirts of Hanoi, created to house and help victims of Agent Orange, The Friendship Village is simple a place of peace. Not only have I seen friendships between volunteer and child but I’ve […]

Education in Vietnam

By Shauna Regan Education. It is singularly one of the most important words in Vietnam and I feel quite special to have added to it a small bit. It holds a value in Vietnam that I have never seen in any other country. Like the director of CSDS once said to us; ‘Education is the […]

Dear Returned Volunteers…

By Fiachra Brennan (South Africa & Mozambique 2013, Philippines 2016 & 2017, Vietnam 2018 and Silver Global Citizen Awardee) “Be the change you want to see in the world”…and, if you can’t be that change, then either get out of the way of the person who wants to be that change or support the individual […]

Goodbyes never get easier

By Elaine Houlihan This time last year I never thought I’d be back in Bangalore this soon! Of course I always planned on coming back, but in my head I was taking this year off and coming back hopefully in 2019 after graduating college. Well that was the plan anyways but low and behold I’m […]

Hope for a positive future: Friendship Village, Vietnam

By Said Büehlen We have just completed our first few days in the “Friendship Village” in Hanoi. In this village, over 120 children with disabilities connected to the use of “Agent Orange” live, learn and play together. I could tell you all about the atrocities committed by the American army during the war. I could […]

No Child Left Behind

By Emma Delmer As an Irish primary school teacher, it is difficult to imagine what education is like in other countries. It is easy to become solely accustomed to the teaching methods and education system in Ireland and to never wonder what education may be like elsewhere. However, after volunteering in a primary school in […]

Morning Star: Week 4

By Emma Byrne and Dorothee Driever Our final day in Morning Star was Independence Day. We were lucky enough to attend the local village parade, where some of the boys from Morning Star were participating. We felt like two proud Mammies as our boys marched by. The atmosphere was one of joy and patriotism, one […]

Educating Equality

By Michelle Murphy There is a preconceived idea of India as being male dominated. While evidence of male superiority may still be notable within the country and in families, it is important to be aware of the efforts being made to promote gender equality and support to females who may be victims of inequality. Education […]