Entries by Serve

Dream, Believe, Achieve: Mr. Hemanth’s Story

The estimated one billion people living with disabilities worldwide face barriers to inclusion in many key aspects of society. As a result, people with disabilities do not enjoy access to society on an equal basis with others, which includes areas of transportation, employment, education as well as social and political participation. (Source: UN) The inclusion of disability […]

Young Africa Namibia – Business Plan Developer required (3 months)

  Volunteering Opportunity with Young Africa Namibia – Business Plan Development (i) Introduction SERVE (www.serve.ie), an Irish based NGO, works in partnership with Young Africa Namibia (www.youngafrica.org/namibia) who provide holistic vocational training to marginalised young people with the aim of improving their employment and income generating skills. Young Africa (YA) Namibia specialises in training in […]

Power of the United Genders

By Natalie Kavanagh Natalie is participating in the Gold  Global Citizen Award. This is the fourth of her Global Blogs from the Philippines  The robust connection between all genders working together in the tribe has allowed them to develop and progress in ways never thought before. It has been said countless times before that it is […]

Water for All in Muvamba, Mozambique

Clean, safe drinking water is scarce. Today nearly 1 billion people in the majority world don’t have access to it. While it is the foundation of life, all around the world, far too many people spend their entire day searching for it and walking for hours to fetch it. Rural Mozambique has one of the […]

Has Universal Education been achieved for all in the Philippines?

By Natalie Kavanagh Natalie is participating in the Gold  Global Citizen Award. This is the third of her Global Blogs from the Philippines . Millennium Development Goal 2: “Ensure that, by 2015, children everywhere, boys and girls alike, will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling” Coming to the end of these MDG’s it […]

Global Unemployment

By Natalie Kavanagh Natalie is participating in the Gold Global Citizen Award. This is the second of her Global Blogs from the Philippines.  Unemployment! There is no denying that this is a serious global issue. Everywhere you turn your head there seems to be yet another newspaper article stressing how we are in an unemployment crisis and/or […]

We are in the finals!

We are very excited to have been announced as finalists in two categories in the Cork Digital Marketing Awards! We are nominated in the following categories: – Best Digital Marketing by an NGO / Charity – Best Use of Twitter for Business Details of all nominations are available on the Cork Chamber website.  

We are Semi-Finalists in the Cork Digital Marketing Awards!

We are very excited to have made it through to the semi finals in the Cork Digital Marketing Awards! We are nominated in the following categories: – Best Digital Marketing by an NGO / Charity – Best Use of Twitter for Business – Best Use of Facebook (Company with 10 employees or less) – Best […]

Challenging Perspectives and Stereotypes of the Badjao Tribe

By Natalie Kavanagh Natalie is participating in the Gold  Global Citizen Award. This is the first of her Global Blogs from the Philippines .  “We are the Badjao, the mighty, mighty Badjao!” (Lyrics from the high school children’s own song from the music workshops) In the thick of the intense fundraising in preparation for the volunteering project […]