Entries by Serve

Coláiste Cois Life School Immersion Programme 2016

In March 2016, Coláiste Cois Life participated in a SERVE School Immersion Programme. The group of 16 students travelled to South Africa with Chris O’Donoghue to work alongside our partner Tsholofelo in Rustenburg. Adhering to Comhlamh’s Code of Good Practice, SERVE met with the students 4 times over the year prior to departure introducing the students to different global […]

Coláiste Cois Life, Sangoma’s and Inter-cultural Experiences

By students of Coláiste Cois Life 16 students are currently in Rustenburg, South Africa where they are taking part in a SERVE School Immersion Programme. These are their diary entries from Sunday 20th March until Tuesday 23rd March. Day 1,  Sunday 20th March : After having breakfast at 7:30am  we all got dressed for mass. […]

World Day of Social Justice

“With exclusion and inequality on the rise, we must step up efforts to ensure that all people, without discrimination, are able to access opportunities to improve their lives and those of others”. 

– Secretary General Ban- Ki -Moon

What is Social Justice?

Social Justice is justice in the terms of distribution of wealth, opportunities and privileges in society.

What is Social Justice?

Social Justice is justice in the terms of distribution of wealth, opportunities and privileges in society.

Why are you talking about it today?

We always talk about it because it's at the core of what we do at SERVE. We want to highlight it today even more because it's World Social Justice Day!

How does SERVE contribute to the fight for Social Justice?

Social Justice is at the root of what we do. We work in solidarity with partners in different countries to initiate change in their communities.

What about SERVE volunteers? Are they involved in fighting for Social Justice?

Yes. From the very moment they sign up to a programme or to do an internship with us, they begin to fight for Social Justice with the skills they have.

How do SERVE volunteers help?

SERVE volunteers in the past have used their volunteering experience to advocate for the Global Goals in their communities. Last year, SERVE volunteers used the Think Global Act Local progamme to become proactive global citizens and fight social justice.

How can I help?

You can use your skills to advocate, to increase awareness of injustices and you can fundraise to support SERVE.

So, if I volunteer at home or overseas, I am fighting for social justice!

YES! Absolutely!

Do you have a programme that I can join to fight social justice?

“Alone we can do so little, Together we can do so much”

By Mary Mullarkey Mary is participating in the Bronze Global Citizen Award. This is the second of her global blogs.  Poverty is a pandemic in the Philippines with over 60% of the Filipino population experiencing it.  When I arrived in Cebu and travelling to the Holy Family Retreat House, I had never witnessed such poverty in […]

Dream, Believe, Achieve: Mr. Hemanth’s Story

The estimated one billion people living with disabilities worldwide face barriers to inclusion in many key aspects of society. As a result, people with disabilities do not enjoy access to society on an equal basis with others, which includes areas of transportation, employment, education as well as social and political participation. (Source: UN) The inclusion of disability […]

Young Africa Namibia – Business Plan Developer required (3 months)

  Volunteering Opportunity with Young Africa Namibia – Business Plan Development (i) Introduction SERVE (www.serve.ie), an Irish based NGO, works in partnership with Young Africa Namibia (www.youngafrica.org/namibia) who provide holistic vocational training to marginalised young people with the aim of improving their employment and income generating skills. Young Africa (YA) Namibia specialises in training in […]