Entries by Serve

2nd week thoughts

By Fiona Henry It’s Friday 7.00 p.m. preparing for work at the end of our second week here.   We arrived keen to get stuck in and help.   We have worked hard and are proud of what we have done so far.   The sites we have worked on have been transformed and will provide much better […]

A letter to Ireland!

By Bridie Denning Dumela to everyone from South Africa! The past three weeks have gone by so fast and just one more to go.   It only seems like yesterday since we arrived here but I have actually got a year older since I left Ireland.   We have done a lot of work in Freedom Park […]

Jyothi Seva School for the Blind

By Áine McBride and Caroline McKenna We can’t believe first week has gone already and we are heading into our second week at Jyothi Seva. Upon arrival we were greeted by Sister Catherine and given our timetable for the next few weeks. It’s a busy day and heavy timetable working with children of all ages and abilities. […]

Challenging Perspectives

To encourage SERVE 2015 volunteers to think critically about common perceptions and misconceptions related to developing countries, they were given the task of taking photos that we think will challenge the perspectives of people in Ireland – keeping in mind the Dochas Code of Conduct on Images and Messages. While so much has changed, developing countries […]

Young Africa Sports day

On Saturday the 18th of July, the SERVE volunteers alongside Young Africa staff and students hosted the largest and most successful sports festival to date at the Dondo Agri-tech campus. With a total number of 350 children, instead of the anticipated 200, the day proved to be even more action packed than expected. We ended […]

Meeting Angelique

By Sinéad McNeela On arriving at Dichibidu, on our first day we met with Angelique the crèche owner who appeared happy to see us, but also quite inquisitive as to what we had planned for her new crèche. We walked into the old shack, it was quite grubby and we noticed that the concrete under […]

Workmanship and Community

By Chris Stranney From working on the site in Dichibidu I noticed it is different from working back home in Ireland. I am working with the guys from the local ‘Step up and Serve’ team and I was surprised at all the work they are able to do by hand. At home we might have […]

Madiba Day (18 July 2015)

By Aaron Whelan Yesterday was Madiba Day, a day dedicated to celebrate the life and work of South Africa’s first black president and father of the new South Africa, what he liked to call the rainbow nation. Walking any street in South Africa be it in Johannesburg or in the squatter camps of Freedom Park […]

Challenging Perspectives Photo Challenge – Mozambique

To encourage SERVE 2015 volunteers to think critically about common perceptions and misconceptions related to developing countries, we were given the task of taking photos that we think will challenge the perspectives of people in Ireland – keeping in mind the Dochas Code of Conduct on Images and Messages. With this task in mind, we […]

#SERVEvols: Update from the Philippines

By Mary Mullarkey and Claire Naughton It’s our second week of four here in Cebu and each day our love for the Badjao extends beyond our wildest dreams. We’ve become more and more dedicated in completing the goals with the time that is left.  Our dedication even extends to painting the dreaded “edges” and having […]