
“.. we learned from them..”
"... we can all learn from them.."
Graduate Structural Engineer,…

2023 Volunteer Programme – Local
Volunteer locally with SERVE in 2023
An overview of your…

All the best Catriona
All the best Catriona
SERVE is grateful to Catriona Reid for…

Antonio’s TGAL reflection
"Through the monitor I could see their wide smiles.."

Goodbye Robin
Cork charity SERVE would like to say thank you to German Volunteer, Robin Damaschke, for his hard work and commitment in the past year. Robin was a valued and reliable member of our team. Please join us in wishing Robin the very best in his next step in life in Berlin and all his future endeavours.

Thank you Dan Lynch
Thank you Dan Lynch
SERVE would like to…

Sinead’s Think Global Act Local Reflection
SERVE Programmes Intern Sinad Mulry reflecting on her time so far with SERVE’s Think Global Act Local programme.

TGAL Reflection from Constantin Becker
SERVE volunteer Constantin Becker reflecting on his time so far with SERVE’s Think Global Act Local programme.

Darren Hennelly Homecoming
Long term SERVE Volunteer Darren Hennelly Travels Back Home
SERVE Development…