Entries by Serve

Sports Day in Vietnam

By John Reilly As part of our volunteering programme in Vietnam, we are heavily involved in the education in the local school. This will last for the period we are here and we aim to be as active as possible. Teaching in these classes can offer a variety of different experiences as the ages range […]

Reflection on my time in the Philippines

By Kyle O’Sullivan My recent trip to the Philippines, even though it was tough was a great experience to have. The only time I ever really heard about the Philippines was from being in school with people from the Philippines, being neighbours with Filipino’s who are living in Ireland, or even Manny Pacquiao as both […]

The Dreams of Youth

By Cormac McCarthy-Hann Mozambicans don’t do hopelessness. A conversation with a Mozambican of any age, gender or socio-economic background will make it abundantly clear that hope is at the heart of everything they do. To be hopeless in Mozambique is to be an anomaly. In the aftermath of Cyclone Idai, which devastated the vitally important […]

Resilience in Beira, Mozambique

By Ciaran O’Donnell On the approach into Beira International Airport it was observed that the city of Beira, with its 500,000 occupants, is precariously situated on a delta like estuary of the Pungwe and Savannah river. This coupled with its closes proximity to the Indian Ocean makes the city of Beira extremely vulnerable to extreme […]

You Don’t Need to Move Mountains to Make a Difference

By Ciaran Daly We’ve been working about five days a week for three weeks so far, and we certainly haven’t moved any mountains but I do feel we have made a positive impact. On the Beira campus we’ve taken down old fences, dug some trenches, pulled up some trees, and we’re in the process of […]

The work ethic in Beira and Dondo, Mozambique

By Ella Archbold Throughout the work we got to do on the Young Africa campus, both in Beria and Dondo, the strong and patient work ethic that both students and staff had really stood out to me. The students were always extremely eager to learn and wanted to work to their best ability, even if […]

Healthcare and beliefs in the Badjao tribe

We would like to extend our thanks to both Venerva and Janice who sat and told each of us their stories throughout our time spent with the Badjao. Venerva and Janice have both given full permission to share their stories here. By Hannah Coady In a perfect world, losing a loved one or battling an […]

Experiencing Beira, Mozambique

By Orlagh Henry When I arrived in Mozambique three weeks ago I had no idea what to expect from this experience. This morning when I woke up, I still had no idea what to expect from the day. Beira is unlike anywhere I’ve been before and continues to surprise me day in, day out, whether […]

Final Week in Morning Star

Amy Considine and Aisling Moran

Before leaving Ireland, one month in India seemed daunting, but it has passed by so fast; it is difficult to separate the days and the mix of emotions we feel. It will not be until we arrive home, until we begin to tell our stories of Morning Star, that the weight of the experience will hit us.

Boys from Morning Star, India

Life at Morning Star

Many people will be curious about what life was like in an Indian orphanage. But for us, the word orphanage does not fit. Morning Star is a home with a family like you and me, the difference being that everyone in the family has a different background. While the school children come to Morning Star from unfortunate or distressing circumstances, the boys and men with disabilities have, in almost all cases, experienced rejection. This home opened its doors and embraced them, giving every person who walks through the gates a better chance at life.

We have seen new boys being taken by the hand and given shirts off other boys backs. We have watched the children holding hands while draped over each other. There is a clear sense of unconditional love that exists here. Bonds of brotherhood have formed that will last long after the boys leave the warmth and security of their home.

Our role in Morning Star is not to be a teacher or a master. Despite helping the children with their English, we both found ourselves being the student. While we listened, talked, and played with the boys and men, transactions of knowledge, generosity, and love occurred. It would be unrealistic and ignorant if we arrived with the expectation to dramatically change each boy’s life. They are their own agents of change and, instead, have changed both our own mindsets and desires.

Expectation vs. Reality

Before travelling to India, we were cautioned about the people we would meet and the interactions we would have. Thus, we expected the project to be difficult and challenging, but in fact, it has been the opposite. The people we have met here have welcomed us so gracefully. Ireland is often called the Land of a Thousand Welcomes, but there is no competing with the kindness we received.

We created significant relationships and meaningful bonds with the boys and men here. We realised that the experience in this home has opened our minds in ways we have never expected because everyone is so kind. As it is approaching the final days here, we are truly saddened to be leaving. Memories of us both walking into Morning Star on our first day contrasts to our last, as we walk out with eighty more friendships and countless special memories.

Final week in APD

By Sile Byrne, Michelle Cannon and Zara Hennigan As curtains fall on our experience in India, we reflect on the whirlwind of the last 4 weeks. Leaving home on the 10th of July this day felt so far away. Now it is upon us there is an element of disappointment to be leaving, satisfaction at […]