Entries by Serve

SERVE on Flirt FM

SERVE Flirt FM takeover
Team SERVE takes over Flirt FM - March 2022

SERVE on Flirt FM

Nollaig Hulme and Paula Quigley from Team SERVE take over Flirt FM. The 2hr show was aired on 15th March 2022. It features interviews with SERVE volunteers from across the country and also few of our partners from across the globe.

Team SERVE is grateful to Flirt FM for the opportunity on their airwaves. It was a great experience to bring the message of Solidarity in Action to students of NUIG, GMIT and beyond on a dedicated radio show.

We thank SERVE Alumnus Lindsay Cleary, for curating the music for the show. Our sincere gratitude to the army of volunteers who made the time to talk on the show about the numerous activities that SERVE is involved in.

You will here from few of our partners i.e. Susan Madodo (Young Africa Mozambique), Milimo Muchanga (Assumption Parish) and Cledwyn Hamoonga (Flamboyant Special School).   

We  spoke with our guests about what is Solidarity In Action, the nature of our work with our numerous partners, shared information about our Global Goals Trails and about our latest volunteering programme called Think Global Act Local.

We also discussed our Pen Pal project, spoke to our guests about the motivation of our flagship Flip Flop Appeal and the experience of completing the SERVE 4 Peaks Challenge.

Sit back and tune in below

Leadership and Life Skills Workshop at Assumption Parish

Irish charity SERVE Mazabuka youth workshop

Leadership and Life Skills Workshop in the Assumption Parish Youth Centre

In March 2021, SERVE funded a three-day leadership and life skills workshop. 

The workshop was facilitated  by fantastic speakers on different topics and the feedback from participants, all ranging from 18 to 30 years of age, was very positive. The participants felt rewarded by learning skills they never knew they could learn, for example self development skills.

SERVE plans to host various types of workshops which will focus on different skill sets in the future. Through our workshops, the youth of Mazabuka have the opportunity to expand their knowledge and gain skills that will enable them to prosper in their lives.

Feedback from few of the participants

"I'm here to interact with new people. To learn new things, to acquire knowledge and to become a better person. I want to be able to put into practice all I learn and share it with other people"

"I'm here to gain skills and have a vision towards achieving my future goals. I expect to get motivated, acquire the knowledge which shall sustain my action plan. I want to be a productive youth and I want to be able to serve my community."

Donate to support youth live a dignified life

SERVE and Assumption Parish

SERVE's Development Work with Assumption Parish

IrishCharity SERVE Mazabuka Zambia
Darren Hennelly with staff from Flamboyant Special School with eggs from their poltry farm supported by SERVE (2021)

About Assumption Parish

SERVE works in partnership with different organisations in the Assumption Parish Community in Mazabuka, Zambia. The frst partner we worked with is the St. Bakhitas Association, in 2008. 


The Assumption Parish Community and partners include:

  • St. Bakhita’s (Good Samaritan) House Youth Centre
  • Luyobolola Primary school
  • Flamboyant Special school
  • St. Patrick’s Secondary school
  • Lukavilla Arts Centre

SERVE are working with the St. Bakhitas Association to help provide youth infrastructure and to train key St. Bakhitas Association personnel and young people to implement youth leadership training programmes based on the model developed by SERVE in Zimbabwe.

In 2011, SERVE sent skilled volunteers to St. Bakhitas to train young people and community leaders in a Youth Leadership Training Programme.

SERVE’s work in Mazabuka is in its early phase, as it’s a challenge to work without guaranteed funding. Our aim at SERVE is to support our partners to become self-sustainable.

Youths tending to growing vegetables in the garden

Community Vegetable Garden Project

The garden at the youth centre is a small-scale project that continues to do well and garner. The garden produces all year round and forms part of the centre’s sustainability plan. The youth that helps produce the vegetables can take what they grow.

Chickens in their new home in Flamboyant School

SERVE’s work with the Flamboyant Special School –Chicken Project

Flamboyant Special School in Mazabuka currently has 97 learners with hearing, physical and intellectual impairments, and learners with cerebral palsy. Flamboyant Special School receives no support from the Zambian government and so is heavily dependent on donors and partners like SERVE.

In March 2020, SERVE  funded a chicken project for the Flamboyant Special School and further funded the project in January 2021. As a result, the school has 300 chickens that are currently laying around 100 eggs daily. The school now sells approximately 10 trays a day in an established market within the community. 

This project has helped two older students who have learned invaluable skills on how to look after the chickens and also learn to set up budget. 

Students at Luyobolola National School with Darren Hennelly (2021)

SERVE’s work with Luyobolola National School

In 2020, SERVE helped Luyobolola Primary school to build 3 classrooms and a full ablution/toilet block. Before building the ablution, 900 pupils were using a wall behind the school as a toilet. Now with the brand-new ablution block, students can study and work in a sanitary environment.

Throughout 2020 and 2021, we also helped the school with a farm project in the nearby parish. Three hectares of sunflower seed and two hectares of maize were sown with the help of SERVE funding. We hope that the harvest will benefit the school’s feeding programme which consists of a maize porridge with ground nuts. Sadly, for some students, this breakfast could be the only meal they could have all day.

School supplies for St. Patrick's funded by SERVE

SERVES’s work with St. Patrick’s Secondary School & the Lukavilla Art Centre

We have helped St. Patrick’s secondary school by sponsoring learning materials and we continue to support Luzyobolo arts and Cultural Centre, with hopeful exciting projects on the horizon.

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Latest updates, reports and volunteers stories

Irish Charity supports youth leadership

Introducing Milimo Muchanga

Introducing Milimo Muchanga, SERVE’s liaison with The Assumption Parish community located in Mazabuka, Zambia. Milimo is proactive and committed to youth development in his community and makes him a role model for community leadership.

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Irish Charity SERVE shares the work completed in 2021.

Irish charity SERVE shares the work its done in 2021

In 2021, Irish charity SERVE worked with 11 partners in 8 countries. In Ireland, we also launched a new volunteering programme and a SDG education programme for schools. Despite the pandemic, SERVE has received generous public donations to continue its work that contributes to the Global Goals.

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Donate to support youth development in Zambia

Our intern, Catriona Reid, shares Paddy’s Day thoughts


Paddy's Day Thoughts

Catriona Reid shares Paddy’s Day thoughts at the outset of her internship with SERVE.

St Patrick’s Day has been one of my favourite holidays for as long as I can remember. I have so many happy childhood memories of the local town parade with my parents and admiring the floats and costumes and seeing the town decked out in green, white and orange. Irish people are known for being welcoming and friendly, and from my own experience that is absolutely true. 

I came to Ireland from Romania as a child and have never felt out of place here. For me, St Patrick’s Day is a day to celebrate the home I made in the culture that welcomed me and to feel grateful for everything Ireland has given me. St Patrick’s Day is celebrated by the Irish diaspora all over the world – its message of unity, celebration, and hope is global. I am delighted to wish everyone a happy St Patrick’s Day! 

During my internship with SERVE this summer I will be a mentor on the Think Global Act Local programme where I will be teaching young Irish people about international aid and development issues on the themes of solidarity, justice, and partnership.

On the TGAL programme, and during my time with SERVE, I will keep the message of St Patrick’s Day close and share the importance of global unity and harmony with those I work with and the programme participants.

I hope to achieve a deeper understanding both of my role within my new community and of how individual local actions can have a global effect. In an ever more divided and confusing world, I think it is important to reflect on those values which guide us and remember that there is far more that we have in common than what separates us. 

"On the TGAL 2022 programme ... I will keep the message of St Patrick's Day close and share the importance of global unity and harmony."

– Catriona Reid

Youth Day 2022 in Mazabuka

Irish charity SERVE supports Youth Day celebrations in Mazabuka
Milimo Muchanga (2nd from left), SERVE liaison with Assumption Parish co-organised the Youth Day celebrations in Mazabuka with support from SERVE

2022 Youth Day in Assumption Parish, Mazabuka, Zambia​

On 12th March 2022, the youth of Assumption Parish observed National Youth Day. The theme was increasing youth engagement at all levels of national development.

Over 350 young people attended the exciting day that included talks on youth development, quiz competition, cultural programme and sports. The day ended with a BBQ party. 

A similar celebration was organised in 2021 by SERVE long term volunteer, Darren Hennelly. It fills us with hope  to see the initiative continue this year.

SERVE sent a funding of €300 towards the celebration to cover costs of food, drinks, supplies for the BBQ including cookware, hand sanitiser and transport for young people.

The Assumption Parish community raised the remaining funds to organise a successful day. Young people attending paid 20 Khwacha (€1) for a ticket to attend the day. Their ticket included the travel, food and drinks for the day. 

This event is an example of facilitating sustainable development for our partners contributing to SDG 17 – Partnerships for the Goals.

Irish Charity supports youth leadership

Introducing Milimo Muchanga

Introducing Milimo Muchanga, SERVE’s liaison with The Assumption Parish community located in Mazabuka, Zambia. Milimo is proactive and committed to youth development in his community and makes him a role model for community leadership.

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Darren Hennelly Homecoming

 Long term SERVE Volunteer Darren Hennelly Travels Back Home SERVE Development Officer and long-term overseas volunteer Darren Hennely travels home this weekend from Mazabuka, Zambia after

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Donate to support youth development in Zambia

Women’s Day 2022

Students in the Badjao Community in music class expressing themselves

Women's Day 2022

Nollaig Hulme and Paula Quigley from Team SERVE share their thoughts on a few of the inspiring women they know who break the bias every day.

I met Diep Thu Hien, Trần Lý and Nguyễn Phương Anh in 2019 at the airport in Hanoi after days of travelling. Their friendly faces represented the Centre for Sustainable Development Studies (CSDS). Little did I know they would soon become inspirations. I learnt all about these three women and their lives while they grew up in various parts of Vietnam.

In rural parts of Vietnam, although education is highly valued, it is not very accessible due to extreme poverty. With help from CSDS’s Bright Future Fund (BFF), Lý was supported to further her education, an opportunity that is rare where Lý grew up. During the month, Lý spent time encouraging the students in Văn Tố, particularly the young girls, to not give up on their education. 

Phương Anh’s interest in the English language shone through while working with the kids in Văn Tố and 3 years later she still works to inspire people to continue learning.

Hien has an extremely unique way of looking at the world and is determined to have a positive impact on those around her. She is very aware on her environmental impact on the world and at the time she was trying to convince her mother who is a shop-keeper to use less plastic.

Diep Thu Hien, Trần Lý and Nguyễn Phương Anh are inspirational women and they continue to inspire those around them and break the bias of gender equality in education.

– Thoughts from Nollaig Hulme, Team SERVE

Edwina Quialquial and I first met in 2009, during my first volunteer trip to the Philippines. I was immediately drawn to her charisma and have a great deal of admiration and respect for her dedication to the Badjao Tribe community to this day. She is one of those people who sticks with you.

Since 2003, Edwina has been a member of the Presentation Sisters Nano Nagle team in the Badjao Tribe of Mambaling, Cebu. She was teaching in a tent at the time, and she carried her teaching supplies in backpacks to get the job done.

Her fundamental belief is that education is the key to overcoming poverty and creating a better future for all, while also respecting the Badjao Tribe’s history, culture, and values.

Education in the community must always prevail, regardless of what comes their way, whether it is a damaged classroom from a fire or a typhoon, tribal customs that may discourage young people from attending school, or a global pandemic.

She is always there for the community, no matter what else is going on in her life. She is more than an educator; she is a friend and a well-known figure in the community, whether she is packing emergency supplies and handing out water containers or fighting for their basic human rights with local government officials.

There are no limits to what this powerful woman can accomplish, and I am honoured to call Edwina a friend and to have the opportunity to work with her.

– Thoughts from Paula Quigley, Team SERVE

Solidarity Gift of Quality Education, sustainable ethical gift, global goals, sustainable development goals, sdgs, sdg 4, quality education

Help more young women break the bias

You can help more young women break the bias everyday with accessing  quality education. This will ensure they live a sustainable life through dignified work. Your donation helps SERVE continue the work with our partners in Zimbabwe and Mozambique.  

Mark Women’s Day with an investment in the future of young women. You can safeguard the hope for our future by donating to SERVE regularly.

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SERVE 4 Peaks Challenge 2022

SERVE 4 Peaks Challenge 2022

Date: 24th to 26th June

Join us in climbing Ireland’s 4 highest provincial peaks in one weekend. Climb in solidarity with our partners. Your every step will help raise vital funds to help empower women and young people in Asia and Africa.

Why climb the 4 Peaks?

Our partners work with vulnerable women and young people in Asia and Africa. This difficult challenge represents their obstacles to live with dignity.

Climb the four highest provincial peaks in 3 days to increase awareness:

  • About their challenges like lack of skills training and access to employment opportunities. 
  • Of the various stereotypes that women and young people have to overcome to gain self-empowerment.

When you sign up for this challenge, you are directly assisting women and young people on their uphill climb towards a prosperous life.

Everything you need to know

 We’re climbing:

  1. Carrauntoohil, Co. Kerry (1,038m)
  2. Mweelrea, Co. Mayo (814m)
  3. Slieve Donard, Co. Down (925m)
  4. Lugnaquilla, Co. Wicklow (850m)

The Schedule:

  • Thurs 23rd June (evening): We have an early morning climb the next day so we ask climbers to meet us in Killarney to stay in Neptune Hostel and enjoy a Mozambique style coconut curry as they meet all the climbers taking part.
  • Fri 24th June: Rise early and travel to Cronin’s yard to climb Carrauntoohil. Once completed, travel to the Wild Atlantic Hostel at Delphi Resort, Co. Mayo.
  • Sat 25th June: Rise early and take a short drive to climb Mweelrea. Once completed, travel to Rostrevor, Co. Down for a night of glamping and banter around a campfire in East Coast Adventure
  • Sun 26th June: An early rise to drive to Newcastle and climb Slieve Donard first. Once completed, travel to Co. Wicklow to climb the last mountain, Lugnaquilla.

The challenge finishes with a celebratory party after the last climb in the Glenmalure Lodge, Co. Wicklow.


We ask you for join this challenge with a team because you can fundraise together and travel in one car for the weekend. 

Join with friends, family, neighbours, colleagues or even a group of aspiring adventurers from your local club!

We ask for a maximum of five people per team (to fit into one car).

IMPORTANT! Each team must nominate a driver. Drivers cannot climb for the health and safety of all the team when driving long distances between each climb.

Climbers must be in good health, have appropriate hiking gear and have a reasonable fitness level. While prior hill walking or hiking experience is not essential, training must undertaken in preparation for the event.

Do this challenge and fundraise to support SERVE’s work with it’s overseas partners to support educational, entrepreneurship and skills training programmes for women and young people in Southern Africa and Asia, so that they can obtain decent employment and work opportunities and live a dignified life

Registration fee:

Team Cost: €750 / £650 =  (€150 /£130 per person)

Your registration fee includes:

  • 3 nights Bed & Breakfast
  • Qualified and highly experienced mountain guides for each mountain
  • Refreshments and hot beverages before/after each climb
  • A celebratory party with finger food after the last climb in the Glenmalure Lodge, Co. Wicklow
  • A fairtrade SERVE t-shirt and a SERVE stainless steel reusable water bottle
  • SERVE 4 peaks challenge pack – everything you need to know to get you 4peaks-ready!

Fundraising target: 

The fundraising target is €2500 / £2000 per team (Teams of 5).

This fundraising target goes directly towards SERVE’s work.

The SERVE team is here to help you reach your target by providing support and advice. We will provide you with an online fundraising page, sponsorship cards, t-shirts and many other resources.

To Register:

  • Scroll down and fill in the form below
  • You will be asked to register your Team Name & input your details on the form
  • The SERVE team will be in contact with you to confirm details and check your team details, or if you require help forming a team and then will instruct you on how to pay the registration fee.
  1. What’s it all about? The 4 Peaks Challenge is a great way to spend a fun weekend outdoors with your friends or colleagues while raising much needed funds for SERVE.
  2. Can anyone participate? All participants must be in good health and have a reasonable fitness level. The nominated driver must have a valid drivers licence and car insurance.
  3. What do I need to bring?
    • Heavy fleece/wind stopper
    • Hat and gloves
    • Waterproof jacket
    • Waterproof
    • trousers
    • Platypus/water bottle (3L)
    • Spare dry base layers
    • Walking trousers
    • Walking boots
    • Sunglasses/sun protection
    • Dry sack (20/30L)
    • Waterproof bag cover
    • Energy bars/snacks
    • Casual wear for evening
    • Wash kit & trek towel
    • Sleeping bag and travel pillow

Sign up Below

Do you have any more questions?

Solidarity with Ukraine

Solidarity with Ukraine

Irish Charity SERVE like so many other citizens and groups are deeply perplexed by the unfolding tragedy being inflicted on the Ukrainian population. Donate to support SERVE’s partners, the Redemptorists in Ukraine who have opened their houses and churches as sanctuaries for displaced families.

SERVE like so many other citizens and groups are deeply perplexed by the unfolding tragedy being inflicted on the Ukrainian population as Ukraine courageously defends itself from an inexplicable war unleashed by Russia.

SERVE’s partners, the Redemptorists are immersed in local communities in Ukraine and have opened their houses and churches as sanctuaries for displaced families crippled with fear and anxiety.

Present in Tschernihiv in the north of Ukraine and Berdyansk, in the east of Ukraine, and Lviv as well in several locations close the Polish border, the Redemptorists, are offering shelter, food, and medical support. 

At border points with Poland, Redemptorists in Ukraine and parishioners are offering nourishment both physical and spiritual as families seek refuge in neighbouring countries.

The Redemptorists in Poland have established a humanitarian corridor to help deliver emergency supplies and funds. The Redemptorist Provincial in Poland is playing a leadership role in a coordinated approach to welcoming Ukrainian families as they flee the war, helping them towards shelter, food, and integrated support. In Slovakia, the Redemptorists have made their monastery in Kostlna available to host fleeing families who will cross from Ukraine to Slovakia.

Update 18th May

Fr. Andriy Rak, C.Ss.R., Provincial superior of the Lviv Province, updates the situation in Ukraine, which is suffering from the ongoing Russian aggression. He also says a thank you to all confreres and people of goodwill who responded with humanitarian help and continue to stay united to advance the peace.

Please get in touch with us for any queries or to support our Appeal info@serve.ie

Update 25th March

SERVE has received over €60,000 in donations so far to support our partners, the Redemptorsits in Ukraine. 

Eleven generators were purchased in Poland and distributed to nine different locations in Ukraine to support centres hosting and caring for fragile families.

On Saturday March 26th, a large generator purchased in Ireland will be driven by members of the Gardai to Slovakia, and then transported to Ivano- Frankivsk in Ukraine to the Redemptorist centre now caring for vulnerable, who with their carers had to flee Khakiv. 

This centre has a very industrious bakery and kitchen preparing meals for elderly people and others who are unable to flee their homes.

Update 21st March

Redemptorist community & volunteers in Ivano Frankivsk delivering bread baked in monastery kitchen to deliver to elderly & fragile in their homes. (Photo on 19th March 2022)

SERVE has received over €31,000 in donations so far to support our partners, the Redemptorsits in Ukraine. We share the nine different levels at which we’re working together with them.

1. Shelter for fleeing families

In Ukraine, the Redemptorists are present at ten location including close to the Russian and Belarus border, and close to Moldova border.

In each of these locations the Redemptorists have opened their houses, halls and churches as sanctuaries and shelter for fragile and fleeing families. SERVE is working with the Redemptorists to resource and deliver food, medicine, hygiene items, and essential supplies.

2. Ukrainian Border Solidarity

In the border region of Novojavoriosk about 25km from the Polish borders, the Redemptorists are delivering food, blankets, water to the 30km tailback of vehicles trying to travel into Poland, and where families wait for days before being able to pass. They have opened Care Centres and Halls to offer wrap-around services to fleeing families. SERVE has helped the Redemptorists to support people who are fleeing towards the West of Ukraine to find accommodation in public buildings by establishing a camp for fleeing families.

3. Food and Orphan Support

In Ivano-Frankivsk the Redemptorists have created a welcoming space for over eighty orphan children and their carers who have fled the besieged city of Kharkiv. The monastery kitchen is preparing meals and high energy biscuits for elderly and disabled people who cannot leave their flats and homes. They are baking fresh bread daily and sharing the bread with fleeing families gathered in halls and public building. SERVE has procured a large generator to help support the children and families at this centre.

4. Besieged City Solidarity

In Chernihiv the Redemptorists like most other citizens are stranded for large parts of the day in basements as their city and local communities are bombarded. When possible, food and reassuring supports are offered to vulnerable people who cannot move from their basements.

5. Medical Aid

The Redemptorists have delivered over 50 ton of medical supplies to five different hospitals in different regions of the Ukraine

6. Polish Border Solidarity

In Poland Redemptorists are working at six different border points to support refugees as they flee Ukraine, as well as connecting refugees to safe accommodation.

7. Slovakia Border Solidarity

In Slovakia, the Redemptorists have opened four centres to welcome and host refugees fleeing Ukraine.

8. Reliable Corridors

The Redemptorists have established a warehouse resource facility and have successfully transported in convoy- food, medicines, generators, blankets etc., specialised medical equipment, hygiene kits into Ukraine.

9.1 Limerick, Ireland

The Redemptorists are members of the forum established by the City Council to coordinate the response to the arrival of refugees from Ukraine in Limerick. The Redemptorist Perpetual Help Fund has allocated funding to Doras and Simon in Limerick to help support newly arriving refugees from Ukraine.  Further funding is now being allocated to support the Simon food bank facility.

9.2 Cork, Ireland

The Redemptorists and SERVE are networked into the humanitarian organisations channelling humanitarian supplies to Ukraine and also working to facilitate the integration of Ukrainian refugees into life in Cork.

Update 11th March 2022

SERVE has received over €28,000 in donations so far for the Ukraine Appeal. We cannot thank you enough.

SERVE is working with the Redemptorists to channel the humanitarian effort. On Tuesday March 8th, five large vans left from Cork with emergency humanitarian supplies. This special expression of solidarity involved an alliance of Cork Penny Dinners, Cork Missing Persons Search and Recovery, SERVE, Scala, and Cork Life Centre working together to deliver aid.

The destination initially is Lezajsk, Poland which is close to the Ukraine border, and about 2.3 hours from Lviv. A humanitarian corridor is functioning where humanitarian aid is being delivered from Lezajsk Poland to Brzuchaovice in Lviv and then being distributed to Chernigiv in the north, Berdyans’k in the East, Kamianex’Pedil’skyj in the south, and Hinizdychiv and Novojaravoriosk in the West, Ivano-Frankivs’k and Ternopil

The team of five vans have arrived.

In Novojavoriosk, which is close to the Polish border, the Redemptorists are working with other civil society groups to open hall, churches, homes, public buildings and schools to accommodate the huge influx of families expected to arrive, as Ukrainians flee from their homes towards the West of Ukraine. Roman Lahish a Urkrainian Redemptorist is preparing an emergency camp to accommodate fleeing families.

The delivery of humanitarian supplies form Cork includes many tents donated by the generous people of Cork. We hope that they will be in Novojavoriosk on Saturday, March 12th.

Next week, SERVE is planning the shipment of a forty-foot container to Poland via the Netherlands which will arrive close to the Ukrainian border, via ship and train.

SERVE chairperson Gerry O'Connor (2nd from right) packing supplies for Ukraine with the Scala family in Cork.

This container will include specialised medical equipment and kits, generators, chainsaws and terminal blankets. The intended destination includes sanctuaries where families are being accommodated, and hospitals and health centres.

Representatives of SERVE and the Redemptorists are also working with other agencies in developing pathways for Ukrainian families to find refuge in Ireland.

Your ongoing support of SERVE, with your generous donations are deeply appreciated and will be channelled carefully and strategically to support fragile families, who are experiencing painful upheaval in a time of unprecedented danger and fear.

Update 8th March 2022

SERVE has received additional €2372 in donations from the Irish people since our last update.

Watch the message from Fr. Andriy Rak C.Ss.R., Provincial Superior of the Lviv Province. He explains, “When we can, – we help refugees with transportation to safe places. We try to give them temporary shelter in our monasteries.”

Please donate what you can to support the efforts of our partners, the Redemptorists in Ukraine.

SERVE chairperson Gerry O'Connor (2nd from right) packing supplies for Ukraine with the Scala family in Cork.

Update 3rd March 2022

SERVE has received €1015 in donations so far from the Irish people to support the humanitarian efforts delivered by our partners, the Redemptorists in Ukraine. Please donate what you can to support the efforts.

Novojavoriosk_SERVE_Redmptorists_Ukraine Donate to SERVE Ukraine Appeal Irish charity
Photo of a camp Novojavoriosk about 25km from the Polish border. Photo sent by our partners, the Redemptorists who are delivering humanitarian aid.

Fundraising Campaigns

Raise money for a good cause

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Every donation goes directly to support our programmes with people living in vulnerable communities across the globe.

How You Can Get Involved

You can join one of our fundraiser events or organise your own to support our work. Every donation goes directly to support our programmes with people living in vulnerable communities across the globe. Join in to show your solidarity.

News & Events

Emergency Appeal: Help Badjao Families Displaced by Fire

A devastating fire in Cebu City has left over 100 Badjao families homeless. SERVE is partnering with the Presentation Sisters and the Nano Nagle team to provide emergency shelter, food, clothing, and educational materials. Donate now or start a fundraiser to help those in urgent need.

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Irish Life Dublin Marathon banner


Run the Dublin Marathon for SERVE

Join Team SERVE in the Dublin Marathon 2025! Challenge yourself to run 42.195 km on October 26th while fundraising to support SERVE’s global development programmes. With Realbuzz perks like guaranteed entry, expert training plans, and a finisher’s pack, you’ll make every step count for solidarity and change. Sign up now and be part of something bigger!

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Other Ways to Help


Gifts For Anytime

Support your fundraising efforts by encouraging your friends, family and community to purchase from a selection of SERVE Ethical Gifts. These gifts make special occasions even more unique. They directly support the communities we work with.


Make It Regular

Did you know regular giving to SERVE goes a long way in supporting our programmes? Your fundraiser could bring attention to regular giving options among your family, friends and colleagues. 

Join our


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Organise your own SERVE Fundraiser


Organise your own fundraiser

Join SERVE’s community of fundraisers today to show your solidarity in action. All donations go directly into SERVE’s work with our partners across the globe.

Let your creativity guide you and put the fun into fundraiser. Get your family, friends, organisation and even customers involved. Your donations will go a long way in improving people’s lives.

You can host a fundraiser online, a meet up in person – you choose what works best for you and your community. We’re always available to help you along the way with a fundraiser toolkit and anything else that you need to host a successful fundrasier.

Donate to SERVE Irish charity Volunteers

Fundraising Tips


Share your personalised story of solidarity to advocate for the people SERVE works with.


Stick to facts. We're always available to share details of our programmes with you to support your fundraising efforts.

Share off and online

Make posters and put them up on community noticeboards in your area and also share it online to promote your fundraiser. Make an online donation page (we can help you with this).

Cork Global Goals Youth Village

Fundraising Ideas

Pub Quiz

Get cozy in your local pub. Draw up trivia questions. Charge a ticket. Organise a raffle. You're ready to go.

Challenge: Walk/Run/Hike/Skydive

A good challenge amplifies the challenges of the people our partners work with. Pick your challenge, get a team together and fundraise together.


Organise warm cups of coffee and tea with home-made scones and cakes in your office, community centre or even your home. Share stories with facts of the people our partners work with to host a successful coffee-morning.

Check the SERVE Fundraising Toolkit