Digital Vocational Education and Training for Young Africans
January 20, 2023 in Development News, Digital-TVETYA, Education, Employment, Entrepreneurship, Mozambique, News & Events, Skills Training, Zimbabwe /by ServeDigital Vocational Education and Training for Young Africans
SERVE and Young Africa have come together to create the ‘Digital Vocational Education and Training for Young Africans’ project.
This project will take place between January 2023 and June 2025.
SERVE and Young Africa have worked together since 2008.

What will this project achieve?
The highlights of the ‘Digital Vocational Education and Training for Young Africans‘ project are building the Young Africa eLearning platform and developing a digital Postgraduate Service Toolbox
The project upholds the right to education for vulnerable youth across Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Zambia.
It will ensure quality access to skills training for over 8000 students. These students will be able to realise their full potential and fight poverty.

Working with Spur Technologies to Develop the YA eLearning Platform
Working with SALEM Technology Group
We are working with SALEM Technology Group (Lebanon) to develop a digital Postgraduate Service Toolbox (PGST).
This will be a ‘one stop shop’ for YA graduates (and graduates of dissemination partners) to provide career guidance, mentorship opportunities and links with job opportunities in the private sector.
The PGST will be available as a website and mobile application.

Project Deliverables
These deliverables are the key results of the project as agreed with the Donor.
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The ‘Digital Vocational Education and Training for Young Africans‘ project will be implemented by SERVE and Young Africa between January 2023 and June 2025.
SERVE is an international development NGO based in Ireland. SERVE’s work focuses on young people, especially in the area of vocational training and employment.
Young Africa is a confederation of independent NGOs and includes Young Africa International Netherlands, Young Africa International Africa Hub (Zimbabwe), Young Africa Zimbabwe, Young Africa Mozambique and Skills2Live Zambia.
Young Africa provides holistic and accredited Vocational Education and Training (VET) to marginalised youth through 6-12 month training courses in 46 disciplines, life skills, entrepreneurship and Information and Communications Technology (ICT). Young Africa has a dissemination network with 23 organisations across 11 African countries whereby it shares successful models of its work.
SERVE and Young Africa have worked together since 2008.
The ‘Digital Vocational Education and Training for Young Africans‘ project is co-funded by the EU Erasmus+ Fund, SERVE and Young Africa.
SERVE is the Coordinator, Young Africa International (Young Africa Netherlands and Young Africa Hub) are Beneficiaries, and two Young Africa Affiliates are Affiliated Entities. Young Africa’s dissemination network will also benefit from this project.
The objectives of the ‘Digital Vocational Education and Training for Young Africans‘ project are:
(1) Coordinating implementation of the Project Workplan and achievement of Project Deliverables;
(2) Young Africa’s eLearning Platform available for 8,150 disadvantaged youth across Southern and Eastern Africa;
(3) Young Africa’s Postgraduate Service Toolbox (PGST) contributes to a substantial increase in the percentage of Young Africa graduates in employment;
(4) Two Young Africa Affiliates and 23 dissemination partners using the PGST across Africa;
(5) Two new Young Africa models (eLearning & Postgraduate Service Toolbox) will be integrated into the Young Africa Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning system and 73 Young Africa and dissemination partner staff trained in the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning system leading to improved data driven performance;
(6) Evaluate the impact, successes, challenges and lessons learned of the Project;
(7) Increase awareness about Digital Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Africa amongst 50 policymakers and 3,500 members of the public in Ireland and the Netherlands.
The project will be delivered through the following five Work Packages:
(1) Coordination and Management
(2) Development of the Young Africa eLearning Platform
(3) Development of the Young Africa digital Postgraduate Service Toolbox
(4) Improvement of the Young Africa Monitoring Evaluation and Learning System
(5) Impact and Dissemination
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) – the Granting Authority. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.